'What a mess!'
'What a tangle!'
'So many realities intertwined!'
Complexity: the subject surfaces in many forms during coaching journeys, mediation assignments and training programmes. It's the complexity to find, within a corporate structure, a fruitful balance between personal preferences and idiosyncrasies of colleagues on the one hand, and corporate goals on the other hand, so that both the person and the organisation can reach their full potential.
How to align the mind, the heart and the body in this context ? How does one stay balanced?
My focus is on facilitating complex conversations: exploring together, looking at different realities, and giving meaning to them. Discussing difficult topics and being in contact impartially creates space for the question that arises. Each question invites an appropriate approach. The question attracts the methodology.
My background in both the therapeutic and the corporate world give me valuable perspectives; I have experience in small businesses and global organisations. I work under the label of Time Out!, in collaboration with colleagues, for the public and private sector, both nationally and internationally. From this diverse experience and a continuous investment in development, I support the journey to meaningful answers.